(My definition)
Last night we had a really intense church service where videos were shown from the original Experiencing God series by Henry Blackaby. Maybe I was the only one who experienced some heavy duty convicting in the throw-back-to-the-eighties videos, but God was active in stomping down Sophie. I wanted to share some of the quotes I jotted down from Dr. Blackaby. (The ones that really convicted me are in blue)
- God doesn't give me a program of activity, He gives me Himself.
- God always asks us to do things we cannot do so that He comes and does it through us so both you and the people around you experience Him.
- Once you have a word from God, what you do next indicates what you believe about God.
- Let God make you the person He has on His mind. He does this through the Word.
- If I can figure it out, it's probably not God's will. His ways aren't my ways.
- No where in Scripture does God give a servant the right to dream dreams for God to do.
- I don't set long range plans or goals for fear I will reach them and never know what God really wanted. (This hit me like a thousand daggers aimed at my soul and hands tightly clutching my planner.)
- I put my heart before the One who has the long range plans.
- God is our equipment. He gave us the equipment to complete the task.
- The call is not to do something, the call is to a relationship.
- How you love God will determine your actions.
- We are impatient and say, "Don't just stand there, do something." God says, "Don't do something, just stand there."
- Waiting on God is not inactivity, it is the most active thing you can do.
- If we are in God's hands we can do anything God can do.
These are from my pastor:
- Wherever your focus is, there you will be. If you focus on your sins you will never get over them.
- As faith in God produces joy and peace, faith in self will always produce anxiousness and fear because you're putting your trust in someone who is not capable to solve the problems.
It's convicting me all over again just writing these out.
Praying for desperate dependence on the Author of life and not myself,