Driving home from work today, I pass a car, glance over and there is what appears to be a 5 or 6 year old with his face plastered against the window... flipping me off. I must also mention that he is unbuckled and in a very unsafe position, kneeling on the backseat of the car. This broke my heart. Not because of his safety, or because his little hand gesture offended me, but because this reflects the direction the world is going. This is our future.
This kid was little. A little boy that was the same age as some of the kids in the Mother's Day Out program where I teach. He had to learn that. Where did he learn it? Parents, school, television? This is the kind of things kids are learning, with or without their parents' consent. My heart is completely broken over the reminder that parents, for the most part, aren't being the parents God has called them to be. Discipline, Biblical discipline, has gone out the window, more parents need to use (watch out, I'm about to say the S-word....) spanking as their discipline and less of the I'll-be-your-friend-and-coddle-you-through-life philosophy that is so prevalent in today's society.
Basically my little rant here comes back to the same thing: people need to be saved. And I'm mad because sinners are acting like sinners, and that is just stupid.
My intent wasn't to point fingers or judge people, but little kids have always had my heart and to see them being raised in such sinful environments, watching who knows what on television, and then being subjected to so much corruption in the school systems is devastating to me.
I'm spending a lot of time on my knees tonight praying for the children of the world, their parents, and their souls. As well as praying to recognize what I can do to minister to the unsaved and show them a reflection of Jesus' love and compassion.
Great post. May we all be mindful of what we are teaching the next generation.
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