This needs to be said: The East tour is really awesome, definitely the best team. We all mesh fairly well and have a lot of fun doing everything. I really like them all a lot.
The first couple of days were spent doing some intense training and some equally intense eating and sleeping. What we’re doing is a LOT of hard work but it is so much fun, I really enjoy every part of it, even the loading and unloading of the 35’ trailer.
We started off in Morehead, Kentucky and then went to Louisville for a tournament and now we’re enjoying several days off until our next tournament in Knoxville on Friday. We went to the Louisville Slugger Museum today and then ate at Hard Rock Café (ridiculously expensive… geeze) on Fourth Street Live before driving to Knoxville.
Note to self: Don’t drink Gatorade, or anything with sugar, before or during a road trip no matter how short the distance- my bladder just can’t take it.
Anyway, God has really been so amazing through this whole adjustment period. I love that no matter where I am or what I’m doing He is always the same. That is so awesome. The verses that God has used the most are Philippians 2:14-16-
"Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life."
Thank you to everyone who has prayed for us, please keep those prayers coming.
The group: Ben, Paige, Hunter, Lizzy, Ethan, Shana, Ricky, and me
These are the tents we set up at each tournament...
I work the Topps Attax tent and this is my little buddy Carter who became my best friend on day one in Morehead. ![](
These are some of my buds in Louisville, they have the greatest smiles!
This is the guys filling up the truck after they ran out of gas on I-64... Funniest thing ever.
Ethan, Hunter, and Paige, and me at the Louisville Slugger Museum with a legit Johnny Bench bat.
The gang at Louisville Slugger.
Summer classes start this week... I'm nervous about time management, so please continue to pray for that. I hope you guys are having a fantastic summer and are remembering that by not complaining we are shining like stars in a crooked and depraved universe.
Much love,
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