Being a girl and knowing that is more likely than not the cry of every girl's heart deep down, I just want to be romanced, it struck me so I stayed and listened.
They were talking about this girl who wrote in to this radio talk show and asked, "How do I get my boyfriend to be more romantic? His idea of romance is to pull up the covers and dutch oven me."
To my horror and heartbreak, I hear the radio people say, "Well, you need to show him what it's like to be romanced. You need to show him there's a payoff when you get in 'the mood.'"
That's not romance.
My heart broke because there is a hunger inside every person- they want to be romanced, they want to be loved, they want to be cherished. I know that's at least true for girls. This advice for the girl to go out and show the guy what it's like to do so is not romance.
Do you really want a guy who will only romance you because he knows there will be a payoff when you're "in the mood"?
That's not how God created it to be. And if you're settling for less than God created, you're settling for a cheap imitation of second class goods when the very best is offered to you, not on a gleaming silver platter, but on a bloody but beautiful cross.
God created us with those hungers and those thirsts and desires for Him and He romanced us when we didn't even want Him.
All this girl wants is for her boyfriend to want her, to romance her, to woo her, guess what? The greatest man who ever lived, who ever walked this earth, did that for her and she didn't want it.
Jesus romanced her with His steadfast love and His breathtakingly beautiful faithfulness to her when she didn't even want Him. He proposed to her on a cross with open arms, asking her to accept Him forever, to come into His love, and she's trying to find that love in a mere human whose love is not even worthy to be compared to the love Jesus has for us.
She's settling for a substitute that cannot even compare with the real thing. She's eating a bland potato with no butter or toppings when an endless steak and lobster buffet is offered her.
My prayer for all the girls is that they see that. That they see their cry for romance, their need, want and desire to be loved by a man is fulfilled in Jesus.
Look to the cross.
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