my True Beauty girls,
my family,
our church members who sit in the pews week after week and know the truth but choose to reject it,
my classmates,
my teachers,
the basketball team,
the lady in Kroger,
the tiny African baby and her parents who are dying of HIV/AIDS,
the young men at church,
the old men who are too proud to ask for help from anyone, especially God...
I'm writing this because I know the person reading this has been changed by the Lord also has a heart for lost souls perishing every minute without hope. Sometimes it can be frustrating, daunting and downright exhausting pouring into hungry and not-so-hungry souls day in and day out, but don't lose heart!
Praise the Lord. We are not responsible to save, but we are responsible to speak His Word.
Go. Tell. Minister. Serve. Love. Forgive. Support. Share. Speak. He is worthy.
Dear holy Father,
Thank You for Your love. Thank You for redemption. I pray You continue that work and redeem the nations, draw them to Yourself and show them the love they've only dreamed of. I pray for the people on the above list, save them, God. Open their eyes and reveal Truth to them. Show them mercy, Lord, for they don't know what they're doing as they fool about with frivolous and mundane things while the hope of glory waits expectantly. Don't let them die in their sin, Lord. Redeem them with the blood of You Son- our ransom.
For my brothers and sisters this week, Father, encourage their spirits, uplift their faces and turn them to see Your face. Refresh their hearts and revive their hope. Help us to share Your Word and our very lives with others this week. May our countenance scream Your glory so that the nations may be glad and sing for joy, so everyone around us may know of the hope that lies within us. Help us to not waste our lives living for anything less than what You died for.
Father, receive the glory. May the Lamb of God receive the reward of His suffering.
The list goes on.
I don't even know all of them, but these people have my heart. I desire so desperately for them to experience the saving power of the Lord Jesus Christ. The One, completely God as if not man and completely man as if not God, who left heaven to come down to us. He didn't make us go to Him, He came to us, meeting us in our sin and pain and mockery of a life and offering the hope of redemption.
Redemption (Greek word lutrosis from lutroo = to release on receipt of a ransom. Lutroo is derived from the root verb luo = to loosen that which is bound, freeing those in prison, release from prison, opening of what is closed, destroying of foundations, putting off of fetters) describes a ransoming, a liberation, or a deliverance (in the New Testament, especially from the penalty and power of sin). [From Precept Austin]
I'm writing this because I know the person reading this has been changed by the Lord also has a heart for lost souls perishing every minute without hope. Sometimes it can be frustrating, daunting and downright exhausting pouring into hungry and not-so-hungry souls day in and day out, but don't lose heart!
"Never must we cease to pray until they cease to breathe. No case is hopeless while Jesus lives." -Charles Spurgeon
Praise the Lord. We are not responsible to save, but we are responsible to speak His Word.
Go. Tell. Minister. Serve. Love. Forgive. Support. Share. Speak. He is worthy.
Dear holy Father,
Thank You for Your love. Thank You for redemption. I pray You continue that work and redeem the nations, draw them to Yourself and show them the love they've only dreamed of. I pray for the people on the above list, save them, God. Open their eyes and reveal Truth to them. Show them mercy, Lord, for they don't know what they're doing as they fool about with frivolous and mundane things while the hope of glory waits expectantly. Don't let them die in their sin, Lord. Redeem them with the blood of You Son- our ransom.
For my brothers and sisters this week, Father, encourage their spirits, uplift their faces and turn them to see Your face. Refresh their hearts and revive their hope. Help us to share Your Word and our very lives with others this week. May our countenance scream Your glory so that the nations may be glad and sing for joy, so everyone around us may know of the hope that lies within us. Help us to not waste our lives living for anything less than what You died for.
Father, receive the glory. May the Lamb of God receive the reward of His suffering.
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