"No unbelief made (Abraham) waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised."
(Romans 4:20-21 ESV)
Fully convinced. I want to be fully convinced that God is faithful to do big things, things bigger than anything I could ask, think or imagine.Things so big, if God doesn't come through they will never happen.
Yesterday morning at church our pastor spoke on faith versus worry and how asking God for big things honors Him.
He told me the same thing a week ago and after repenting of limiting God by human logic and asking God to help me believe Him for
In the early 1900s, Amy saw, for the first time, the need for boys to be rescued from trafficking and idol worship as were her girls, but he didn't know where the men for that job would come from.
After asking numerous people for guidance and help, she realized she was looking at the wrong source for help. She began praying and this is what happened:
"The matter of where the needed men would come from was settled finally, in the forest again, this time not by the quiet pool but by a waterfall. Watching the ceaseless cataract pouring down from above she "heard a voice from heaven, the voice of many waters, 'Can I who do this, not do that?'" Spiritually, in that hour, the work for boys began."
To come boldly before God (Hebrews 4:16) has taken on a whole new meaning since yesterday morning's church service when Bro. Michael defined bold as:
Bold = Praying and seeking God for things much bigger than our capacity.
God is huge and therefore we can ask huge things from Him. Let's ask big things from Him, but don't leave it at that. Believe Him for big things. And more than that, be fully convinced He is able to do what He has promised. Let's stake it all on Christ. He is sufficient.
"If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!" -Luke 11:13
Oh, Lord, grow my faith and help my unbelief.
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